punic wars


The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought between Rome an Carthage between 264 and 146 BC. They are known as the Punic Wars because the Latin term for Carthaginian was Punici (older Poenici, from their Phoenician ancestry).

Trivia about punic wars

  • Hannibal's capture of the Roman city of Saguntum precipitated the second of these wars
  • During the first of these wars, the army of Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal's father, was defeated by the Romans in Sicily
  • Sicily became the first Roman province after it was conquered in the first of these wars against Carthage
  • Roman consul Lucius Metellus didn't play guitar for Metallica, but he did fight in the first of these lasting 264-241 B.C.
  • In 241 B.C. the first of these wars ended soon after Rome defeated Carthage in a naval battle off Sicily
  • The wars between Carthage & Rome were called these from the Roman name for the Phoenician-related Carthaginians
  • A series of wars in north Africa & around the Mediterranean:264-146 B.C.
  • The second of these wars between ancient Rome & Carthage is also known as the Hannibalic war
  • In 259 B.C. Corsica was conquered by Rome in the first of these wars against Carthage

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