radioactive isotope


A raionuclide is an atom with an unstable nucleus, which is a nucleus characterized by excess energy which is available to be imparted either to a newly-created radiation particle within the nucleus, or else to an atomic electron (see internal conversion) . The radionuclide, in this process, undergoes radioactive decay, and emits a gamma ray(s) and/or subatomic particles. These particles constitute ionizing radiation. Radionuclides may occur naturally, but can also be artificially produced.

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Tweets about radioactive isotope

  • Just ate a radioactive isotope, I don't mess around
  • @Rtroock @rabbitcourage @ArtCrashAmber if you put a spoiler in a box with a radioactive isotope...
  • RT @SortaBad: Damn girl are u a radioactive isotope because ur all kinds of unstable
  • @Cecalli_Helper little known fact Wilhelm Reich's cloudbusters were powered by radioactive isotope #Radium
  • @StrangerGirl2 @samuelprime have you EVER found #NobelPrize (Physics OR Chemistry)4 U-235 dating? I'm Old Earth BUT
  • Hey Girl, are you radioactive isotope cause you're all kinds of unstable
  • RT @hominidjohn: Teenage Mutant Ninja: 1)Mule Deer 2)Radioactive Isotope 3)Astromech 4)Brachiosaurus 5)Guild Navigator 6)CPA
  • "@SortaBad: Damn girl are u a radioactive isotope because ur all kinds of unstable"
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja: 1)Mule Deer 2)Radioactive Isotope 3)Astromech 4)Brachiosaurus 5)Guild Navigator 6)CPA
  • RT @TREEOR2X4DESIGN: @kevskewl @ajamazing Just 1 RadioActive Isotope(of many)-4 Just 1(of Many) #NukePower meltdowns Cs137 Damage2 Europe h…