

"Rapunzel" is a German fairy tale in the collection assemble by the Brothers Grimm, and first published in 1812 as part of Children's and Household Tales. It is one of the best known fairy tales, and its plot has been used and parodied by many cartoonists and comedians, its best known line ("Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair") having entered popular culture.

Trivia about rapunzel

  • When this fairy tale maiden let down her hair, a handsome prince climbed up it -- must have hurt!
  • Paul O. Zelinsky won the 1998 Medal for illustrating the tale of this girl who really knew how to let her hair down
  • Go ahead, let your hair down reading the story of this princess locked in a tower
  • She would have been popular in the '60s; she was always letting her hair down
  • Living in a high tower, this legendary girl lets down her long hair to draw up a prince
  • In this tale, the heroine is named for the rampion her father stole from the witch's garden
  • The 1998 Paul O. Zelinsky book about this girl isn't a hair-raising tale, just the opposite!
  • Her parents gave her to a witch as a newborn; the witch shut her up in a tower at the age of 12

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