record player


Device your parents commonly used that has a "tone arm"

Trivia about record player

Tweets about record player

  • @cobb_silas *The man pulls up a record player, setting the needle.* "We are where we're needed." *He offers a much larger hand.* "Robert
  • I'm buying a record player and the night visions record YAS
  • drinking coffee and listening to NPR on a record player. #lifeisagift with @burnscoryj
  • @Valcaakes as soon as I saw it I was like.....this is such a necessary purchase. I tested it on the record player✊lmk when you're home☺️💕
  • Why is finding a record player so damn difficult
  • I wish I had a working record player
  • I've been having such a British week: The IT Crowd on DVD, drinking Earl Grey like it's water and The Smiths on loop on my record player.
  • RT @iheartguitar: Here's the @CrosleyRadio record player I won in a @LiveNationOzNz Facebook contest. So awesome!
  • I want a record player so bad😩
  • Here's the @CrosleyRadio record player I won in a @LiveNationOzNz Facebook contest. So awesome!
  • Bought my first record player, inaugurating it with @FUCKEDUP and #Framtid ' s new albums, awaiting @palmjp 's new lp in August.
  • @SmugDingus I know it. “The Sign” was the last new single I ever heard on a record player.
  • I want a record player 😭
  • @CathAlyse ahaha I saw! I literally bought a record player from target 😂 these things happen is beautiful ohmygod
  • Lana sounds so good on a record player 💕
  • Hate to love and love to hate her, like a broken record player.
  • Greatest part about the hatch, the record player with loadzz of vinyl
  • In love wif my record player
  • I want a record player 😫
  • I need to buy a record player.
  • @NWGreenhalgh my record player looks like a little suitcase
  • I want a Crosley record player :(
  • Record player, sheet music, magazien good day I say
  • Found this Nina Simone record I got from the yard sale awhile ago. I need a record player.
  • @madeon I have that exact same record player! Sony #FTW
  • I have a record player in my room!!!
  • I think I'm going to buy a record player today and start a vinyl collection . #oldschoolcool
  • Wishing I had a record player at five in the mourning cx
  • We have just listed 'Dynatron Record Player Radiogram I' on eBay have a look and please check out our other items.
  • Song #1 today is "Sh-Boom" by The Chords. Please click here to listen on the record player (Note: please click on...
  • The kindy children were learning about the "olden days" today and listening to music on an old record player....
  • Record player bought!
  • Love waking up to this: "Tree Trunk Sliced Up & Put On a Record Player. What It Sounds Like Is Hauntingly Beautiful"
  • It's 4am and I've got ACDC blasting on my record player, and I'm dancing in my underwear, while I pack for the weekend. It's a good night!
  • It's 4am and I've got ACDC blasting on my record player, and I'm dancing in my underwear, while I pack for the weekend. It's a good night!🎸🎶
  • Bartholomäus Traubeck played a tree in his record player. Interesting result; nothing more genial than this.
  • Off to buy a record player from work
  • Anyone else in a vinyl mood?? I need to find a spot for my record player and listen to the wax I have laying around waiting to be heard
  • @Blahblahnie do you have a record player or is this an expensive coaster?
  • @lucycrawley this is life changing!!! I need a record player man just for that intro
  • i was just playing tug of war with Decimus and just destroyed my knee on my record player. everyone leave me alone forever.
  • Tree Rings on Record Player via @mixcrate
  • Just need my record player setting up...
  • Happy 45th Birthday Judy and i have bought you the Pet sounds LP From the Beach Boys have a listen in the rec room on there record player.
  • Okay so I'm just casual listening to a twist and shout playlist W HEN DAD SAYS "loL LéA THE recorD PlAyer's hEre"
  • @ATamedImpala haha well in son, get the old record player on 😉
  • Getting my record player today !!
  • @naomi_vonkreeps @Star_Wars_Shop @starwars look what I found. Now I just need a record player.
  • Am very excited abt having my first record player in 20 years. Question now what to play first: #Sinatra, #Chic or #NewOrder.