rectal prolapse


Rectal prolapse normally escribes a medical condition wherein the walls of the rectum protrude through the anus and hence become visible outside the body. There are three chief conditions which come under the title rectal prolapse:

Tweets about rectal prolapse

  • FART RECTAL PROLAPSE VOL # 2 - KARINA CRUEL - NEW MF 2014 -... #FARTING via @c4supdates
  • @Scalarey @TheMartinLuck is that like a rectal prolapse ?
  • To a scientist, this is a tornado forming. To a theist, this is god having a rectal prolapse.....
  • @slashfilm @CarlsJr @Oreo Yuck. That’s like an ice cream sandwich equivalent of a rectal prolapse.
  • So Niki told me not to look up rectal prolapse but I did anyways and I should have listened to her.....
  • @LizardSquad rectal prolapse for the lulz.
  • RT @WEDeming: Barnaby Joyce as used a melanoma as a metaphor for "debt & deficit". Could I suggest a rectal prolapse as one for their rotte…
  • berries man sucking rectal prolapse
  • Saw a hamster with rectal prolapse today at work so that's my interesting tidbit of the day.
  • im reading the wikipage of rectal prolapse and it's really interesting
  • Ahead-of-Print: Rectal Prolapse and Cystic Fibrosis.: Screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) is suggested in patie...