red wasps


Wasps of the cosmopolitan genus Polistes (the only genus in the tribe Polistini) are the most familiar of the polistine wasps, an are the most common type of paper wasp. It is also the single largest genus within the family Vespidae, with over 300 recognized species and subspecies. Their innate preferences for nest-building sites leads them to commonly build nests on human habitation, where they can be very unwelcome; although generally non-aggressive, they can be provoked into defending their nests. All species are predatory, and they may consume large numbers of caterpillars, in which respect they are generally considered quite beneficial. The European paper wasp, Polistes dominulus, was introduced into the US about 1981 and has quickly spread throughout most of the country, in most cases replacing native species within a couple of years. This species is very commonly mistaken for a yellowjacket, as it is black strongly marked with yellow, and quite different from the native North American species of Polistes. Polistes can be identified by their characteristic flight; their long legs dangle below their body, which is also more slender than a yellowjacket.

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Tweets about red wasps

  • Me: 20+ Red Wasps: 0 πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • Hornets are red Wasps are blue Don't come near me...don't come near me...aaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  • @LilTalulah Yes, both Kunigunde and Parker have been stung by red wasps these last 2 weeks! Ouch!
  • Was putting up some electrical wire on the roof of my house and look up to see 3 wasp nests full of red wasps inches from my face.
  • Getting stung 7 times today by red wasps has made me so sick. Praying tomorrow will be a better day😷😒
  • I'm just doing my nails and I feel some thing crawling from my shirt go onto my neck... These red wasps need to go 😑
  • There are red wasps here in TN. i repeat, RED. WASPS. Never going outside again.
  • Got stung by a red Wasps today in the head. Me and my cousin thot that was the funniest sh*t ever!!!!
  • The red wasps are back πŸ˜•πŸ˜’
  • Just defeated the biggest nest of red wasps I've ever seen #swarmin
  • This week... red wasps 3- Bre 0... that is ouch
  • SES Kinder team is excited to meet our new Red Wasps #seswasps
  • @GonLernTaday Wild Twitter Tale, @jacklinks. Got chased by several angry red wasps. Stung on the arm by one. A swollen Popeye arm resulted.
  • @demetria5H red wasps live in my backyard i understand
  • So. Many. Red. Wasps.
  • RT @UhHUHJusteen: @cheddarmartonz so there's a bunch of yellowjacket wasps in someone's couch and also red wasps in their car port. #prayfo…