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  • Well, well, well... "#Orthodox #youth should be modern: no dress-codes & 'ethnographic ghetto' needed"
  • #Orthodox #youth should be modern: no dress-codes and 'ethnographic ghetto' is needed:
  • Hoje a noite no D-Edge Religion! com Maxxi Soundsystem, Renato Ratier, Ney Faustini, Voyage Inc, Adnan Sharif...
  • 【日蓮正宗】 「積善(せきぜん)の家には余慶(よけい)あり」ということわざがあるように、その家の過去の人々の善業が、今の人々の身の上に余徳となって現われている場合もありましょう。
  • 【日蓮正宗】 釈尊(お釈迦様)は『涅槃経(ねはんぎょう)』というお経文の中で、信仰のない人のことを、 「主無く、親無く、救無く、護無く、趣無く、貧窮飢困(びんぐきこん)ならん」 と説いています。
  • The old fashioned Atheist religion: .com | The old fashioned Atheist religion. 48 min ago Full story: News24. I…
  • RT @IBumbybee: Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a scientologist.His sister chairs a major scientologist organization in the USA -
  • RT @george3612: @ProudPatriot101 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow: Russia and Serbia are connected with "history, faith and blood''
  • New Blog
  • RT @TweetIslam: Religions play key role in maintaining peace and stability - Azeri leader - Interfax-Religion
  • #Religion <b>Religions</b> play key role in maintaining peace and stability - Azeri leader
  • cantando e dançando losing my religion com um gato no colo, that was just a dream, just a dream, dreeeam
  • RT @EdwardLemon3: Kabiri: wars in Muslim countries stem from poverty, lack of education, rather than religion
  • Kabiri: wars in Muslim countries stem from poverty, lack of education, rather than religion
  • Patriarch Kirill criticizes attempts to rewrite history of Serbia, former USSR: "History cannot be rewritten, ...
  • RT @ibjpn: 信仰を志すならば、好ききらいで判断するのではなく、もっとも勝れた本尊と教義のもとに誓願の尊さと修行の正しさを教示された宗教を求めるべきです。 そして永遠性や普遍性にとみ、広大無辺の功徳(くどく)の備わった世界一の宗教を持つべきです。
  • @odildavid até então eu n tinha visto Bad Religion com mais de 40 min e/ou com outros bandas no meio. baita linkão! opa 4 min p acabar o dow
  • Metropolitan Hilarion's speech at the Billy Graham Association
  • Editor of Russian news-site Interfax Religion receives an award from head of pro-Russia church in Ukraine Funny, that
  • Le protestantisme évangélique nord-américain en mutation : la gauche évangélique des origines à l’ère Obama «…
  • RT @kattolikamente: #Russia Patriarcato di Mosca: la persecuzione dei #Cristiani in #MedioOriente avviene con l’indifferenza Occidentale ht…
  • #Russia Patriarcato di Mosca: la persecuzione dei #Cristiani in #MedioOriente avviene con l’indifferenza Occidentale
  • #Russia #Orthodox Moscow Patriarchate: West is indifferent to plight of Syrian, Iraqi #Christians #persecution
  • #Patriarch #Kirill urges authorities to maximally consider interests of #Russian people
  • #indifferent#Charact Russian Orthodox Church: Christian suffering in Middle East cause...