

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turnaroun") is a significant change that usually takes place in a long period of time. Aristotle described two types of political revolution:

Trivia about revolution

  • A century before the French one, William & Mary came to power in the "Glorious" or "Bloodless" one
  • When the Bastille fell, Louis XVI asked, "Is it a revolt?" & was told it was one of these
  • One orbit around the sun, or what happened in Cuba in late 1959
  • In 1789 King Louis asked, "Is it a revolt?" & a duke said, no it was one of these -- the French one
  • Bierce saw this, "An abrupt change in the form of misgovernment" in Mexico while following Villa's army
  • Earl "Citizen" Stanhope chaired a society to promote this the year before the French one
  • A wheel that rotates 360 degrees makes a complete one of these; it’s also an historical term
  • A rotation, as on an axis, or a violent replacement of an established government
  • One of these dramatic upheavals "is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture"