

A robot is a mechanical or virtual, artificial agent. It is usually a system, which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. The wor robot can refer to both physical robots and virtual software agents, but the latter are usually referred to as bots to differentiate.

Trivia about robot

  • Automaton is sometimes just a fancy name for one of these mechanical beings
  • Karel Capek coined this word for a mechanical man in his play "R.U.R."
  • 1920 painting by George Grosz shows one of these machines Karel Capek named the next year
  • In an automated factory in 1979, Robert Williams became one of the first men killed by one of these (shades of Asimov)
  • This term for a mechanical human comes from a Czech word for "forced labor"
  • From the Old Slavic for slave, this word entered the language from Karel Capek's 1921 play "R.U.R."
  • ASIMO, one of these, differentiates multiple voices using 8 microphones & Hark software
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew reports from the set of Zathura.) The heroes of "Zathura" meet up with one of these mechanical devices, not the helpful kind, but one with claw hands that smashes through walls

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Tweets about robot

  • @Sarcastic_Robot @425suzanne @MaggiBot @Starbucks Yeah that would make it difficult. But dont you guys actually not drive when it does rain?
  • Kami bukan PNS hahaha "@ariyadi_anggara: Pergi pagi pulang sore kami butuh istirahat yang cukup kami bukan robot"
  • I'm a robot galaxy s5 cases: ...
  • Are you ready for #JIBO: The World's First Family Robot: via @YouTube #Robot #Technology
  • @calixtenn_ITBot why you do this robot
  • @ShadowBeatz_Inc I like the little robot
  • apa/ kamu ngefans sama bani bos ku, ntar aku sampein... #Robot
  • RT @dd_lanie: Lip piercings look like robot herpes
  • RT @Forbes: A recent study at MIT found that people would rather work for a robot boss who gave out tasks than a person:
  • Ecek ecek resing team RT @HenyAyo: Semangattt ayah,aku yakin kamu bisa n berhasil Do'a ku selalu menyertaimu @Robot_ayost
  • Ini Kata Tyler Kwon Soal Kabar Pernikahan dengan Jessica 'SNSD': Jelang akhir pekan lalu tersiar kabar bahwa J...
  • 食べた。/""
  • @Robot_Jelly @SlyBlu3 I'll protect you, I promise. This time... this time, I'll definitely protect you.
  • Robot
  • Destiny - The Adventures of a Robot in a Longcoat:
  • @DJ_Jukess @MelinaMUFC bruh Dafuq do yu remember Kanu 😂😂 nah yur a robot ak
  • 映画「暗殺教室」エキストラ募集中です。10月10日(金)終日 防衛省職員と自衛隊隊員役、20代~50代の男性約50名 平日の撮影ですが、ご参加頂ける男性の方大募集です!カップル、ご夫婦、ご家族でのご参加大歓迎です! #暗殺教室
  • "I can't choose. I can't choose!" Robot paralysed by choice of who to save
  • 【営業が得意な人、探しています】金貨と銀貨の販売パートナー募集 | #WishScope > 紹介したい > 副業・アフィリエイト
  • That till put on cakephp framer cakephp robot specialist doing escalator clause terra firma: EnxF
  • @aniiinputri eh nin lu ga tidur apa? kaya robot dah
  • @AobaxClear Do we have pie crust left?
  • “@PopRag: Happy 29th Anniversary #TheGoldenGirls @TheGGForever @BettyMWhite @RealBeaArthur @Sophia_Robot @nbc @jca85
  • El robot explorador #Curiosity llega a destino: Aeolis Mons #Marte
  • RT @hard_inthepaint: tweeting tha pic...... @robot_barista went above and beyond on this mofo
  • This movie had a giant robot hitler so I guess you could say it was the best movie ever
  • [VIDEO]Soloshot2, a camera-robo que grava voce automaticamente.. Soloshot2 é o dispositivo ideal para gravar su...
  • ここにいるとな…なんというか、剣道の匂いというか…藍染の匂いというか…久々に嗅ぐ匂いがあってな…楽しくなるんだよな…
  • @robot_no2310 フォローありがと⚡︎ よろしくです(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
  • Geçmişin tehlikesi esir olmaktı, geleceğinki ise robot. (E.FROMM) BerkayÇavuş KralAdamdır
  • @itsmeacaguilar Do you think they replaced Agent Dunham with a robot? #Fringe
  • 動かない人形を見ると不思議な気持ちがします。
  • Es gracioso que la gente piense que diciéndome que con la rodillera parezco un robot me voy a sentir mejor o algo,pero vamos,ni puta gracia.
  • No245___たまたま太陽光発電の家を新築して間もなく震災に遭ったので、その時の非常用電源利用の話を聞いたところでは、 宅内設備に非常用…
  • Team Geared UP! Taking a break from robot design to practice an FLL Core Value-have FUN!
  • tweeting tha pic...... @robot_barista went above and beyond on this mofo
  • Ima Robot- Greenback Boogie
  • ワタシハ ふんたーロボ 乙の原因ハ 咆哮風圧ハメだと 一人訴え続ケル スゴイロボダヨ
  • RT @raku_gumpla: #robot #Scale #Gundam The kit was pretty easy to build and went pretty quickly, unfortun...
  • RT @AboutVirgos: #Virgo hate texting people who don't use smileys. They feel like they are texting an emotionless robot.
  • i Robot, a movie about the worst detective in the world and also some robots.
  • Ropesの新曲が良かった、早く音源化されてほしい
  • Robot Chicken did the Luigi Death Stare thing first. Like...back in 2005.
  • Omg I hate feelings. Literally wish I could be a robot.
  • Robot commentary from Australia
  • RT @KPkelsey: Attack of the robot Leo!!! @brentsasaki @natdowd
  • 「みにまむいす」カッコの意味が分かれば色々捗るぞ#キチガイ語録(あれ)#微生物
  • 毎週木曜日の20時からFM新潟で『ネギStyle』やってるよ〜!Negiccoのレギュラー番組だよー♪新潟県外の人もどうにかすると聴けるんだってー!。。どうにかしてねー♡ #fm775
  • BerkayÇavuş KralAdamdır Geçmişin tehlikesi esir olmaktı, geleceğinki ise robot. (E.FROMM)
  • Will have automatic parking, 1000 spaces, and your drive the car into a lift, and the car is stacked by a robot #aarhus #librarystars