

Rubicon (Rubicō, Italian: Rubicone) is a 29 km long river in northern Italy. The river flows from the Apennine Mountains to the Ariatic Sea through the southern Emilia-Romagna region between the towns of Rimini and Cesena.

Trivia about rubicon

  • Julius declared "The die is cast" & crossed this river, provoking the Roman Civil War
  • A famous crossing of this river took place in 49 B.C.
  • Ancient stream that Caesar was forbidden to cross
  • In the palace swimming pool Julius might have practiced crossing this river & declaring "The die is cast"
  • A 49 B.C. crossing of this river gave rise to a cliche
  • In 1774 John Adams said, "I have passed" this Italian river; "swim or sink, live or die, survive or perish with my country"
  • Proverbially, when you cross this Italian river, you've taken an irrevocable step
  • Italian river that made Caesar cross
  • Plutarch said that Julius Caesar quoted the ancient proverb "the die is cast" as he crossed this river
  • This river was the ancient boundary between Cisalpine Gaul & Italy