

Sacrifice (from a Midle English verb meaning "to make sacred", from Old French, from Latin sacrificium: sacer, "sacred" + facere, "to make") is commonly known as the practice of offering food or the lives of animals or people to the gods as an act of propitiation or worship. The term is also used metaphorically to describe selfless good deeds for others or a short term loss in return for a greater gain, such as in a game of chess.

Trivia about sacrifice

  • Giving your life fighting for your country is the supreme one; a bunt is a lesser one
  • A move in baseball that results in an out for you, but advances any runner on base
  • According to Deuteronomy 17:1, if your bullock is blemished you can't use it as this
  • This 9-letter term is how Bernie Mac's "Mr. 3000" selflessly ended his team's season in a 2004 film

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