saint george


In 1969 the Vatican removed this patron saint of England from the official calendar of saints

Trivia about saint george

  • On April 23 dragons tend to tell him, "You slay me, you really slay me"
  • "Golden Legend", a book from the late Middle Ages, popularized his dragon-killing prowess
  • (Alex giving the clue) (Each spring) the Procession of the Golden Chariot in Mons, Belgium is followed by a mock battle between a dragon & this saint
  • Each year English-speaking Canadians honor this saint on April 23
  • In England it is appropriate to fly the Union Jack on April 23, this saint's day
  • Will's birth is celebrated on April 23 partly because that's the feast day of this patron saint of England
  • Rubens, Raphael & Rossetti have all painted this knight/dragon slayer
  • He's the patron saint of both the Boy Scouts & England
  • This Christian martyr is said to have rescued the daughter of a king & slain the dragon victimizing a Libyan town

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