

Sakhalin (Russian: Сахали́н, IPA: [səxʌˈlʲin]; Japanese: 樺太 (karafuto, 樺太) or サハリン (saharin, サハリン?); Chinese: 庫頁 Kùyè), also Saghalien, is a large elongated island in the North Pacific, lying between 45°50' and 54°24' N. It is part of Russia and is its largest island, administered as part of Sakhalin Oblast. The indigenous peoples of the island are the Sakhalin Ainu, Oroks, and Nivkhs. Most Ainu relocated to Hokkaidō when Japanese were expelled from the island in 1949.

Trivia about sakhalin

  • In 1949 the Ainu people were expelled from this largest Russian island & relocated to Hokkaido
  • Karafuto is the Japanese name for this large Russian island north of Hokkaido

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