Sap is a flui transported in xylem cells (tracheids or vessel elements) or phloem sieve tube elements of a plant. Fluid found in the vacuole of other cells is sometimes referred to as "cell sap". Other liquid compounds found in plants or exuded by plants, such as latex, resins, and mucilage are sometimes incorrectly referred to as sap.

Trivia about sap

  • In botany it's the term used for the liquid in the stems & roots of plants & trees
  • Wonder why this liquid is poisonous when it comes from the Asian upas tree
  • Sugar maples contain it
  • Whether autumn leaves turn fiery amber, vivid gold or dull brown depends on the composition of this thick liquid
  • A gullible person, or the juice in a tree
  • I'm a gullible ___ to believe Jane will ever love me, & to carry this torch will ___ my strength
  • The irritating oil urushiol is in this sticky liquid in the plant, but beware: it could have spread all over