

Schizophrenia (pronounce /ˌskɪtsəˈfriːniə/), from the Greek roots schizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, "mind"), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality, most commonly manifesting as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions or disorganized speech and thinking in the context of significant social or occupational dysfunction. Onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with approximately 0.4–0.6% of the population affected. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior. No laboratory test for schizophrenia currently exists.

Tweets about schizophernia

  • @BajiPlease @MairaHashmi what strange logic !! pls get yourself tested for schizophernia
  • @TheresiaVMNT well, schizophernia? Iya nanti gue kenalin temen khayalan gue. Namanya Jensen. Jared. Misha.
  • Goal of the speech? Kalau macam tu aku kena buat research dulu pasal schizophernia niii...
  • @Wesleywuon Apa itu schizophernia, Mas?
  • schizophernia bkn hal yg ditakuti. kau merasa risih saat mnjd penumpang ,kau akan menciptakan dunia yg disopiri dlm artistik mereka sndiri.
  • Remember on waterloo road when that guy got schizophernia from one joint....