school transcripts


Tweets about school transcripts

  • i just looked at my high school transcripts. literally in 10th grade the highest grade I got was a C...
  • Gross I've got to deal with school transcripts and stuff
  • how is proviso not gonna send in my high school transcripts in to the college I'm going to 😤 ??? wtf
  • it would be my luck that county would loose my high school transcripts
  • Needs an official transcript. I don't think I will send them my grad school transcripts.
  • RT @EDU_GovNL: High School transcripts mailed to students throughout province
  • once i get outta work tmrw imma pick up my school transcripts for nyc and go to the library to pick up some books👌
  • @EllenBarkin Maybe you should read Obama's birth certificate, or his Columbia or Harvard law school transcripts. "o righ, u cant, can u?