sciatic nerve


The sciatic nerve (also known as the ischiatic nerve) is a large nerve that starts in the lower back an runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. It is the longest and widest single nerve in the body.

Trivia about sciatic nerve

  • Running down the back of the thigh, it's the body's longest & thickest nerve
  • A slipped disc can cause pain along this largest nerve that runs down the leg
  • Originating in the spinal cord & running down the back of the thigh, it's the largest nerve in the body

Tweets about sciatic nerve

  • Bending down, picking up and lugging all those banners around yesterday has aggravated my sciatic nerve.
  • Forever having problems with my sciatic nerve πŸ˜₯
  • I hate when my sciatic nerve acts upπŸ˜ͺ
  • 11 Ways To Deal With Sciatica
  • my sciatic nerve is punishing me this evening.. heating bag and muscle relaxers might help... #alwayssomething
  • Sciatic nerve pain is extreamly annoying!
  • RT @jennibecomesfit: Have you worked out today? I did, even though my sciatic nerve made an appearance πŸ˜– Time to rest and…
  • And just before I start dance my sciatic nerve goes again
  • Have you worked out today? I did, even though my sciatic nerve made an appearance πŸ˜– Time to rest and…
  • 坐ιͺ¨η₯žη΅Œsciatic nerve
  • Ouch my sciatic nerve is really p!$$!ng me off now! I've got a @CGMemorialMarch to do this weekend! I hate pains in the bum!
  • I spent my afternoon isolating the sciatic nerve from a frogs leg and then testing its force generation. What did you do today
  • My little princess need to get off of mommys sciatic nerve πŸ˜–
  • As I'm being treated for my sciatic nerve injury, my doctor keeps asking me if I take Vitamin D daily. He always...
  • Best Treatments For Sciatic Nerve Pain -
  • The #sciatic nerve runs all the way from the lower spine to the bottom of each leg.
  • Oh hello sciatic nerve, apparently you want me to experience the torture my mom feels on a daily basis. 😑
  • It takes an inordinately long time for the "kick" message to travel from Sanogo's brain, down the spine, over the sciatic nerve, to the foot
  • @lucyamorris Damn! Well, thanks for saving me. My plans for this evening were to pinch my sciatic nerve, but I guess I'll play games instead
  • @UN @Atos @DWPgovuk As for bein able to sit comfortably with a slipped disc,a broken pelvis inc sciatic nerve damage,
  • @RyanClarkNature not bad thanks...tweaked my sciatic nerve so walking is painful but it will right itself im sure
  • Sciatic nerve hurts bad I just ran 1.01 mi with Nike+. #nikeplus
  • @kritn223 it's sciatic nerve pain, not sure about heat but I'm sure a chiropractor visit would help haha
  • Is there such a thing as too much treatment for a herniated disk? -
  • I'm about to cry at this sciatic nerve pain. I'm not even kidding.
  • This knot in my lower back is sitting on my sciatic nerve n my left leg keeps getting this shooting pain n going numb πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ‘Ž
  • Sciatic nerve "pinch" (hardly able to walk) + falling while running Tuesday morning=me feeling old 😞 #BruisedEgo
  • Due to aggravating my chronic lower back, sciatic nerve issue, I have become my own lab rat. This is by far the...
  • Have just renewed my membership at @StGeorgesPark and done 40 minutes in the gym for the first time since I trapped my sciatic nerve. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😊
  • @HeRzZsChLaG kind of pain in the area of supply of sciatic nerve Leg pain simply
  • @TheBoyandMe pain in the lower back caused by compression of sciatic nerve also causes pain down hips & thighs Is bloody annoyingly painful
  • @TheBoyandMe Irritation of the sciatic nerve which can cause pain in the distribution pattern of the nerve, as far as calf/ foot region.
  • @TheBoyandMe painful!! Something usually pressing in sciatic nerve,causes tingly painful pins & needles type sensation x
  • My sciatic nerve is being so rude today. 😑