

A sextant is an instrument generally use to measure the altitude of a celestial object above the horizon. Making this measurement is known as sighting the object, shooting the object, or taking a sight. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart. A common use of the sextant is to sight the sun at noon to find one's latitude. See celestial navigation for more discussion. Held horizontally, the sextant can be used to measure the angle between any two objects, such as between two lighthouses, which will, similarly, allow for calculation of a line of position on a chart.

Trivia about sextant

  • It can be a unit of circular measure equal to 60 degrees, or an instrument used by navigators to measure angles
  • To figure out your latitude you need the exact time & this instrument that replaced the octant
  • This navigational instrument was invented around 1730 by John Hadley in Europe & Thomas Godfrey in America
  • This instrument measures the angular distance of a celestial body above the horizon