

Shekel also renered sheqel, refers to one of many ancient units of weight and currency. The first known usage is from Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. One explanation is given for the origination of this word as to have originally applied to a specific mass of barley, and the first syllable of the word, 'she' was Akkadian for barley. A shekel was originally 180 grains (8.33 grams). Another explanation is given, that the word Shekel in Hebrew means to weigh; and the English word "scale" and the Persian "sigloi" is thought to derive from it.

Trivia about shekel

  • A biblical unit of weight equal to about a half ounce developed into this Israeli unit of currency
  • This Israeli currency originated with the Babylonians
  • In 1980 Israel adopted this currency that shares its name with a biblical unit of weight

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