short circuit


A short circuit (sometimes abbreviate to short or s/c) allows a current to flow along a different path from the one intended. The electrical opposite of a short circuit is an open circuit, which is infinite resistance between two nodes. It is common to misuse "short circuit" to describe any electrical malfunction, regardless of the actual problem.

Trivia about short circuit

  • In electricity, having a "short" is short for this kind of problem
  • "No. 5 is alive" in this robotic film:"S____ C____"
  • A failure in an electrical path
  • This film starring Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg & a robot electrified audiences in '86
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates a science experiment.) The iron wire heats up as electricity flows through it; if you shorten the wire, it melts a result of this electrical condition, an excess flow of charge

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