

In human anatomy, the shouler joint comprises the part of the body where the humerus attaches to the scapula. The shoulder refers to the group of structures in the region of the joint.

Trivia about shoulder

  • In days past, a young punk often put "a chip on" this, & dared others to knock it off
  • At the prom, a gentleman "cuts in" by tapping a young lady's partner on this body part, not on the nose
  • It's not nice to give someone the "cold" this, epaule in French
  • It's a border along a highway where vehicles can pull over in an emergency
  • An empathetic person would give you this body part "to cry on"
  • To show someone your indifference, give them the "cold" one
  • A partial tear of the rotator cuff around this joint can cause painful arc movements
  • Body part on which you'd wear an epaulet
  • You put your nose to the grindstone & this to the wheel
  • The rotary or rotator cuff is part of this joint
  • In medieval armor, the part of the body protected by the "Pauldron" or "Epauliere"
  • When you want to show deliberate indifference in Greece, throw 'em a cold omos, this body part
  • In a bad mood today? I could tell by that "chip on your" this
  • When it comes before "the burden" or "the blame", it's a synonym for "assume"
  • The rotator cuff is a reinforcing structure in this joint
  • The Incredible Hulk clapping you on the deltoid muscle that covers this joint
  • Acromioclavicular joint separation--the joint