sigmund freud


A 2001 biography of this man is subtitled "Pioneer of the Mind"

Trivia about sigmund freud

  • Anna, founder of child psychoanalysis, was the youngest daughter of this man, founder of a similar field
  • At his home at Berggasse 19 in Vienna you can see where the ancestor of all psychiatrists' couches stood
  • A 1949 book on Poe's life & works had an introduction by this psychoanalyst who died in 1939
  • He published "The Interpretation of Dreams"
  • This father of psychoanalytic theory received his medical degree in Vienna in 1881
  • He worked in the Dept. of Internal Medicine at Vienna's General Hospital before moving to the psychiatric clinic
  • It was in the late 1890s that he first described the Oedipus Complex
  • This psychiatrist's grandson Lucian is an award-winning artist
  • Karen Horney critiqued the biologically-based theory of this founder of psychoanalysis
  • After studying dermatology at the Vienna General Hospital, he moved on to Paris' Salpetriere Mental Clinic
  • This man's Viennese office is the setting for "A Far Country"
  • His psychoanalytic method of free association & his daughter Anna first saw the light in 1895
  • Vienna's first psychoanalyst:late 1800s
  • For this Austrian psychoanalyst, sometimes a beard is just a beard
  • The original head shrinker, he fled to London in 1938 following the Nazi annexation of Austria
  • This psychiatrist said the great question that's never been answered is “What does a woman want?”
  • This Austrian psychologist's Vienna home contains his walking stick & other mementos
  • "Analyze" this, he is the notable seen here
  • Irving Stone's 1971 bestseller "The Passions of the Mind" was a fictionalized "Novel of" this man
  • During the year this Austrian psychiatrist gave a series of lectures at Clark University in Massachusetts
  • Beds & couches are common props in the paintings of this psychoanalyst's grandson Lucian
  • Josef Breuer wrote an 1895 book on hysteria with this fellow Austrian
  • In 1895 he began replacing hypnosis as a form of therapy with free association
  • 1939:"He was a philosopher, using methods of science to achieve therapeutic ends"