skate boards


A skateboar is a four wheeled platform used for the activity of skateboarding. It is propelled by pushing with one foot while the other remains on the board, or by pumping in structures such as a mega ramp, vert ramp, half-pipe, mini ramp, quarter pipe or bowl. A skateboard can also be used by simply standing on the deck while on a downward slope and allowing gravity to propel the board and rider. That having been said, the skateboard cannot be concisely defined. Unlike most other sports, yet not unlike most other modes of transportation, not withstanding motor vehicles and select other modes of travel as well, there is no governing body which declares any regulations on what constitutes a skateboard or the parts from which it is assembled. For example, longboards are a type of skateboard with a longer wheelbase, and are typically proud owners of larger and softer wheels. Thus, the definition of a skateboard can vary in shape, size, overall appearance, as well as in aptitude for performance.

Tweets about skate boards

  • Canada Ice Design Skate Boards: ...
  • Canada Ice Design Skate Boards: Canada Ice Design...
  • According to "Back to the Future" our outfits are supposed to adjust themselves and skate boards are not supposed to have wheels... WTF??
  • Sum people... Should go play bumper cars on the interstate with skate boards!!!
  • RP Skatecycle -If Tron made skate boards. #tech #gadget BTW - Splashtablet Cases 55% Off Only at ht
  • @ichi_nese @deliciosaBerry the people who use penny/skate boards and scooters are really polite we walk around crowded areas O___O
  • At an indoor skate park with the kids, 99.9% scooters in use, what happened to skate boards!?
  • I'm going to buy a bunch a skate boards since skating is life now😏
  • Boots and skate boards don't go well together 😂
  • Placid Blue Stars Skate Boards: ...
  • Placid Blue Stars Skate Boards: Placid Blue Stars...
  • It's funny watching Marines and Navy ride their skate boards in uniform haha
  • I wanna go to a abandoned water park and take bikes and skate boards and just ride down the slides gotta be stoned doe
  • *gazes into pitch black well; listens as fathomless groaning emits itself from the darkness* "'s probably chill" *skate boards home*
  • RT @Suitophobia: @SiliconCape that's awesome. Skate boards are a 2.5 billion dollar p.a. industry.
  • Is it bad that I like watching kids wipe out on their skate boards on campus??