slytherin scarf


Tweets about slytherin scarf

  • You're not a Potter fan if you aren't watching the marathon with Butterbeer, your Slytherin scarf and all of your 9 wands.😏
  • @flatlined_heart aww we'lls ee,,maybe you're a slytherin too!;) i was happy,knowin im a slytherin, im ready to bought a slytherin scarf! ^o^
  • omg I live in a place cold enough for my Slytherin scarf
  • Friend wanted a Slytherin scarf for his birthday so I decided to knit one. I BIT OFF SO MUCH MORE THAN I COULD CHEW.............
  • Also knitting a Slytherin scarf, because hey, why not? Rockin' the silver and green.
  • When muggles look at your slytherin scarf
  • RT @authentxc: Hint hint for a Christmas present get me a slytherin scarf
  • Hint hint for a Christmas present get me a slytherin scarf
  • I have the PSATs tomorrow and I should be sleeping but crocheting a Slytherin scarf is more beneficial
  • Me and my mom are knitting a Slytherin scarf together.
  • @Enbrethiliel I want to knit my own Slytherin scarf! #bookbloggers
  • Shoutout to the old lady at the gym sporting a Slytherin scarf 👌
  • i have slytherin scarf and gloves but then i have ginny weasley's wand??? because i thought it was the prettiest so that's what i got
  • Today... Slytherin scarf ** #HarryPotter #slytherinpride #cold #rain
  • also the perfect day to break out my slytherin scarf
  • had a dream last night that I had green yarn and that Meredith helped me make my Slytherin scarf (/SIGHS) alas I don't have green yarn
  • @kazzani I've always wanted a slytherin scarf but they're to dear too :/
  • @nightshadeslays does that mean i should feel guilty for wearing my Slytherin scarf in punlic?
  • Look for a redhead in a slytherin scarf for discount commissions yo!
  • Official Warner Brothers Harry Potter Slytherin Scarf, Pins & Lanyard Universal - Full read by eBay: Price 11.56…
  • MY SLYTHERIN SCARF FINALLY CAME as i was reading half blood prince and about to watch goblet of fire. tonight's definitely HP kind of night
  • Ready to knit my Slytherin scarf!!!
  • This girl has a Slytherin scarf on. HELLO FELLOW HOUSE MATE.
  • My sister bought me a slytherin scarf ahhhhhhh
  • Saw some girl wearing the Slytherin scarf in school today...
  • I'm thinking about knitting a Slytherin scarf 🙇.
  • Just bought a Slytherin scarf from eBay #readyforwinter #PotterHead #slytherinpride
  • but I'm wearing my slytherin scarf so it should be fine
  • The Slytherin scarf has returned
  • My slytherin scarf has like a 10000000 holes and I don't know where they're from! 😥🐍
  • Slytherin scarf today oooo #TeamSlytherin 🐍
  • its scarf weather which means I get to wear my Slytherin scarf out in public c: