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Trivia about snow

  • Linguists have debunked the common belief that Eskimos have dozens of words for this substance
  • Skiers in late spring might thank Ukichiro Nakaya, who pioneered the artificial creation of this
  • Though it's one of the driest states in the U.S., "Nevada" means this-covered
  • "On top of Old Smokey, all covered with" this, "I lost my true lover..."
  • In the winter of 1997, the Great Lakes' lake effect dumped over 90" of this on Montague, New York
  • The lake effect, most pronounced near the Great Lakes, causes this type of solid precipitation
  • A ring around the moon means this weather condition will soon occur
  • A typical warm winter wind of Switzerland is called Schneefresser, meaning "eater" of this
  • The name Lebanon comes from a word for "white", referring to this atop mountains
  • Usual noun for what appears on a TV with bad reception
  • Reason school was canceled in Pensacola Feb. 12, 2010--it's an every-20-year kind of thing
  • Peter Hoeg's Smilla Jaspersen had a "sense of" this
  • To overwhelm with flattery or insincere talk
  • Eskimos have words for different varieties of this; api is for when it's on the ground
  • Robert Bridges had it "Falling on the city brown... hushing, the latest traffic of the drowsy town"
  • '1948's & '49's books had this weather condition in their titles; Roger Duvoisin's was "White" & "Bright"; the Haders
  • It's doubtful that an Eskimo would have chionophobia, a fear of this