soccer chants


A football chant, also referre to as terrace chants, is a term that refers to songs or chants sung at football matches. Traditions vary from country to country and from team to team, but they are generally used to either encourage the home team or slight the opposition.

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Tweets about soccer chants

  • Iowa St’s band just started up a ‘We Love Ya’ chant. Not going to get used to hearing “soccer” chants in a different environment.
  • @FishHoskins We'll start the soccer chants on the way up I-29..
  • The U.S. Soccer chants are terrible 😂
  • All me and Daniel do after a win is sing soccer chants 😂
  • @Based_Yzerman all their chants are based off soccer chants, its fun up there. non stop chanting
  • @efs120 reminds me of soccer chants. Roger is teeming with excitement. I can see it!
  • RT @27khv: Great soccer chants #1. Ireland fans to Scots this week "we stood up to an empire; you couldn't stand up to a pencil."
  • RT @LeeroyM7: Those soccer chants for our boys>>>🏉⚽️👌
  • What I loved is that we used soccer chants and added our own little twist to it. 😍
  • Those soccer chants for our boys>>>🏉⚽️👌
  • When soccer chants become apart of your school basketball fans ritual... Your Program is weak
  • Jesus Basketball stealing all the soccer chants.
  • @rob_garibyan @Nicolos5959 mi kuni miami fans use soccer chants at basketball games and leave before the games even done
  • It's funny how many soccer chants get stolen by basketball fans
  • @therealfdestef @nickoftime631 no all them drunk turks would be there doing soccer chants