social stratification


In sociology, social stratification is the hierarchical arrangement of social classes, castes an strata within a society. While these hierarchies are not universal to all societies, they are the norm among state-level cultures (as distinguished from hunter-gatherers or other social arrangements).

Tweets about social stratification

  • Angaite mashura ndikasvika kumba kuine magetsi, asi kuma sabhabha haaendewo ngenyi? Social stratification?
  • RT @hippieswordfish: living in social stratification is a lot like breaking every bone in your body. in both instances you'll be stuck in a…
  • RT @alenimariee: @SocSPUERC dont worry about yur social status or fitting into a group just do you these differences are what lead to a soc…
  • @macksiswell it's not nice to lie. I'd say I'm top 1% in this social stratification of white kids dancing
  • living in social stratification is a lot like breaking every bone in your body. in both instances you'll be stuck in a caste
  • @SocSPUERC dont worry about yur social status or fitting into a group just do you these differences are what lead to a social stratification
  • Consumption and Social Stratification: Bourdieu's Distinction by Douglas E. Allen and Paul F. Anderson
  • Social stratification Wikipedia article edited anonymously from Google
  • @Riilu_ Ignoring social stratification to only focus on my statement of "physical critique" is pretty bad as well. <3
  • @moakabash madam, pls research social stratification and why it is difficult for nigerians to accept this concept. Life is by levels.
  • RT @fuller_derek: #RedLining promotes the social stratification that gets people shot by cops. #nerdland #Ferguson