socialist government


Users that searched for socialist government

Tweets about socialist government

  • @DesignerShui Shui brother the real ? is r we really a socialist government disguised as a democracy with illusions #called elections?
  • Shortages of basic foodstuffs have fueled months of protests against Venezuelas socialist government
  • RT @djmincey11: When she cashes that socialist government check she loves socialism. Or drives on a road, uses the post office.. @Patsy1207…
  • Today is November 6th. So why was it 32°C (89°F) today? I demand autumn weather. I demand my socialist government do something about it. ;-)
  • RT @u2biker: US compares favorably with deep troubled France in terms of big socialist government! DoG via @BeforeIt…
  • US compares favorably with deep troubled France in terms of big socialist government! DoG via @BeforeItsNews
  • @LeslieMarshall They were turning this country into s socialist government instead of a republic! Left wingers need to be stopped!
  • @theactualDerekH @RonPaul While also supporting a socialist government that uses its money to give kids a 6 figure a year education.
  • RT @kesgardner: No socialist government has ever worked to bring prolonged, sustained economic prosperity. And no socialist government ever…
  • No socialist government has ever worked to bring prolonged, sustained economic prosperity. And no socialist government ever will work.
  • #Hollande questioner says previous governments have done nothing and the Socialist government is going in the right direction but...
  • Now Here America is today… This is how the prevailing socialist government economy runs: McDonalds: Big Momma Michael Obama: Food
  • @iowahawkblog @Jeff_Jacoby Sooner or later, every fascist socialist government starts blaming the Jewish for their own incompetence.
  • @MissFuzzball Can a nation not be a social democracy? What if the majority of people democratically elect a socialist government?
  • No more of the anti- Israel, socialist government here in America. The days of demo's ruling this nation is over! We the people have spoken
  • @elizabethferido OMG! You really need to get rid of that socialist government! They are mentally deranged!
  • @SchoolerLA I probably won't live to see a communist government in my lifetime but I could picture a progressive socialist government
  • The hell with the Republicans and Democrats, let's have a democratic socialist government. It's working for Norway.
  • @PatMcCroryNC @ThomTillis Great night yesterday in Hendersonville. We need to begin dismantling BHO's Socialist government. #tcot @gop
  • Ugh our new socialist government says we can't afford new better roads but apparently we can afford hosting the world cup
  • Ripped off at the shops: are French women charged more?: France’s Socialist government has opened an investiga...
  • A socialist government is the best government but does it work with Hollande?
  • @WCXXI @georgeeaton I am, I believe in him, but not the Brits who wd hate a socialist government but we know we need one badly!
  • Ireland is to have the fastest growing economy in the EU. And people still want to vote in a socialist government? Back to bust I suppose.
  • Just want to say thank you to everyone who voted to save this country for giving back our say so and for saying no to socialist government
  • @BBCBreaking And to those the Swedish socialist government has given money and its support!!
  • @jdubya07 2 quick questions. Have the French ever had a socialist government? No. Have they had a bunch of revolts and war? Yes
  • RT @AnnaEvaL: @169006477 Terrorism supported by Swedish socialist government!
  • @169006477 Terrorism supported by Swedish socialist government!
  • @oflynnmep Helping elect a pro-EU socialist Government. I hope you're proud of yourself. (I've left you and easy comeback here)
  • President Obama we are not ready for a socialist government we the people have spoken.
  • RT @KeithMcC29: How about you move to France if you want a socialist government? 50% tax. Obama would do it here if he could. That's where …
  • How about you move to France if you want a socialist government? 50% tax. Obama would do it here if he could. That's where we're headed.
  • Good bye big socialist government & unjust laws
  • #Election2014 the happiest I've been in 6 years. America showed us tonight that they don't want a Socialist government.
  • POTUS has ordered all authorities 2 "Stand Down!"4 the inevitable debacle of the socialist government experiment.We The People have spoken.
  • RT @heyitspay: cant wait until i destroy capitalism/the patriarchy and create my one world socialist government so we wont have these probl…
  • cant wait until i destroy capitalism/the patriarchy and create my one world socialist government so we wont have these problems
  • RT @GulfWarVet123: We represent America & freedom - not the socialist government. Enlist in the UNITED STATES FREEDOM ARMY at
  • RT @Erniemorris1224: Tired of being ruled by a socialist government? Do something about it. Enlist in the UNITED STATES FREEDOM ARMY at htt…
  • Can Venezuelas socialist government survive wave of protests? - CNN
  • "Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps...
  • @micblo63 @kattaB4 You must get rid of your vile Socialist Government.. Get out of the EU.You are going to have to fight back.
  • @houndsecho If Scotland had voted for independence I think we would be guaranteed a permanent left wing / socialist Government.
  • RT @ASvaerd: @NATOSource @tokrolig doesn't count much what Swedes says since our new Socialist government has already said no to NATO.
  • Inside France now - France’s ‘pink tax’: Is gendered pricing cheating women?: France’s Socialist government ha...