solder gun


A solering gun is a tool for soldering metals using lead-tin-based solder to achieve a highly conductive contact. The tool uses a pistol shape, and has a trigger style switch so it can be easily operated with one hand. Applications such as soldering high current load wires, often found in inconvenient locations such as automobile bodies, preclude the use of a soldering station. A constant-heat device has to be set someplace safe when not in use to prevent damage or fire. The fast switching gun cools quickly enough to be set down just seconds after use. A disadvantage is that the copper wire loop slowly dissolves in the solder and has to be regularly replaced. Another disadvantage is that the soldering gun generates an electromagnetic spike when the button is released. This can be a problem for electromagnetically-sensitive devices. The spike can be seen when a high-efficiency LED is soldered — the LED flashes.

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  • I doubt my solder gun will give it enough to bind it. Seems like a lot of work if you're not used to dealing with soldering & stuff.