

SpaghettiOs are a bran of canned spaghetti that consists of small, circular pasta shapes, suspended in cheese and tomato sauce. Besides the "plain" (pasta and sauce only) version, other varieties of SpaghettiOs include miniature meatballs or "franks" (processed meat that resemble slices of hot dogs). They also offer "themed" pasta shapes, often of cartoon characters, and Raviolios, which are round ravioli filled with beef. SpaghettiOs with meatballs are probably the most well-known variety of the brand, the one most often featured in advertisements. SpaghettiOs are marketed primarily to children and feature the "Uh-oh! SpaghettiOs!" jingle sung by Jimmie Rodgers (pop singer). The product was also pitched to parents for its being less messier than standard spaghetti.

Trivia about spaghettios

  • Nov. 15, 2001:This pasta treat "discontinued as Franco-American relations break down"

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