

Mesothelae Mygalomorphae Araneomorphae  See table of families

Trivia about spider

  • Some say the giant orb-weaving type of this arachnid tastes like raw cabbage
  • (Jon of the Clue Crew points to a dartboard.) Because it forms a web, the metal that divides up the dartboard is called this, like a certain creature
  • The wolf type of this arachnid rides on its mother's back when it's a baby
  • Little Miss Muffet couldn't tough it out & one of these scared her away
  • Overreact much, Miss Muffet? One of these of the order Araneae maxes out at 1.17 miles per hour
  • The "wolf" type of this arachnid pounces on its victims like a wolf
  • Of a beetle, a spider, or a grasshopper, the one that is not an insect
  • Brown recluse
  • Look for it on the web:prides
  • That's the scariest ragno, one of these, I've ever seen! Don't tell Signorina Muffet
  • This creature's "Touch, how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line"
  • The burrowing wolf variety of this arthropod uses its fangs to poison insects that it ambushes
  • I like to play this type of solitaire named for an arachnid; it was also FDR's favorite
  • 8-legged: araña
  • In one West African myth, Anansi, a trickster in the form of this, traveled the world on his web strings
  • In story, a beaten Robert the Bruce was inspired to keep fighting by seeing this creature weaving persistently
  • World Book tells us that the brown recluse is one of these with a violin-shaped mark on its back
  • The Goliath bird-eating variety of this arachnid can grow up to 11 inches across
  • Tiny near-drowning victim in the kid rocker heard here
  • The male redback type of this creature, 1/3 the size of the female, dies happy if you know what I mean
  • The World Ency. of Food says that the orb-weaving type of this arachnid is sometimes eaten in Thailand