spinning mule


The spinning mule was create in 1779 by Samuel Crompton. It was a combination of the water frame (created by Thomas Highs, initially falsely attributed to Richard Arkwright) and the spinning jenny (created by either John Kay or by James Hargreaves; sources differ). In short, it created high quality textiles, in a short amount of time.

Tweets about spinning mule

  • @tandleman Admittedly, I'd a good pint in the Spinning Mule over the weekend, but far too rare an event :( Now many a year since consistency
  • Another successful #PantsFreeSunday. Enjoy the mental picture. - Drinking a Special Release - Spinning Mule -
  • Thanks @jazzyjollyjaunt for the heads up on the Mr Whitehead's Beetroot Cider. Enjoying a lovely 'arf of it at Spinning Mule, Bolton. :-)
  • Damn this beer is great every single time I have it!... (Special Release - Spinning Mule)