spotted turtle


The Spotte Turtle, Clemmys guttata, is a small turtle with a shell that can grow between 3.5 to 5 inches. Their upper shell, or carapace, ranges in color from black to a blue-ish black with a number of yellow or cream-colored tiny round spots. Spotted Turtles inhabit a variety of shallow, fresh-water areas such as marshes, wet meadows, bogs, and woodland streams in the Eastern U.S. (the eastern Great Lakes and east of the Appalachian Mountains) and southern Canada (Ontario). Many Spotted turtles are used as pets (however this practice is illegal in many jurisdictions, including Canada, due to their threatened status) but aren't as popular as the Red Eared Slider.

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  • RT @Fotophysis: Spotted Turtle, Clemmys guttata. #photooftheday #imageoftheday #nature #outdoors #turtles #reptile #earth
  • Spotted Turtle, Clemmys guttata. #photooftheday #imageoftheday #nature #outdoors #turtles #reptile #earth
  • Raise your hand if you spotted Turtle Myrtle on campus today 🙋 @richhomietrin @MrMcGinSwigin @b_plus_lake @RealKohlWorld
  • The Japanese spotted turtle(nihonisigame) in the crisis of the extinction is now 自然環境情報ひろば - 丸の内さえずり館 -
  • Spotted Turtle Hatchling Update: via @YouTube
  • Turtleneck. Small spotted turtle.
  • MT @OntarioNature Spotted turtle declining in Ont. Learn why in this grt video fr @EarthRangers  
  • Here's a little video footage of the Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) hatching in Anthony's fingertips..
  • RT @OntarioNature: The spotted turtle is declining in Ont. because of numerous threats. Learn more in this great vid from @EarthRangers htt…