

A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on Earth. Other stars are visible in the night sky, when they are not outshone by the Sun. For most of its life, a star shines because thermonuclear fusion in its core releases energy that traverses the star's interior an then radiates into outer space. Almost all elements heavier than hydrogen and helium were created by fusion processes in stars.

Trivia about stars

  • The word constellation is from Latin meaning these "together"
  • On the Venezuelan flag, there are 3 stripes & 7 of these
  • Proposed in the 19th century, Olbers' Paradox questions why light from these doesn't illuminate the night sky
  • Oh my heavens! In 1706 Danish astronomer Olaus Roemer published a new catalog listing these
  • Just like their sisters the Pleiades, the Hyades were changed into a cluster of these
  • Astronomers Henry Russell & Ejnar Hertzsprung devised a diagram displaying the luminosity of these
  • (Kelly displays perilous instruments of destruction.) In the West, the ninja combat weapon known as shuriken are called throwing these
  • Sirius,Rigil Kentor Antares
  • The astronomer Hipparchus is famed for cataloging more than 800 of these (That's even more than MGM had)
  • Rhode Island's flag has 13 of these; Indiana's has 19; Missouri, 24
  • Oklahoma's flag features crosses, which are Native American signs for these objects seen on many other flags
  • Stelline are literally "little" these heavenly bodies
  • In the northern hemisphere, Vega, Altair & Deneb, 3 of these, make up the "summer triangle"
  • Cassius says, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in" these "but in ourselves, that we are underlings"
  • A Westminster court with the power to seize was in a chamber whose ceiling was covered in these
  • Kansas:"Ad astra per aspera"--"To" these "through difficulties"
  • In 129 B.C. Hipparchus completed the first known catalog of these, listing about 850 of them
  • Seen in soups, stelline is an Italian pasta whose name means "little" these