

A steak (from Ol Norse steik, "roast") is a slice of meat, typically beef. Most steaks are cut perpendicular to the muscle fibres, improving the tenderness of the meat. In North America, steaks are typically served grilled, though they are also often pan-fried. Because steaks are cooked quickly, using dry heat, and served whole, the most tender cuts of the animal are usually used for steak. This also means that steaks have a premium price and perception; the idea of eating steak is a signifier of relative wealth. For people from Asia, steak is regarded as one of the quintessential dishes of Western cuisine.

Trivia about steak

  • Fran Lebowitz jokingly said, "My favorite animal is" this, but she didn't specify Porterhouse or T-bone
  • This food tartare originated in medieval Russia
  • Bifteck
  • I think I'll chow down on some CFS; that's Texas talk for chicken-fried this