stephen douglas


As Territories Committee chair, this Midwest senator helped draw the borders of 7 territories, including Kansas & Nebraska

Trivia about stephen douglas

  • This politician died on June 3, 1861, 39 days after giving a speech in Springfield, Illinois supporting the Union
  • Less than 3 years after his debates with Lincoln, he died of typhoid fever
  • This "Little Giant" is buried at the base of a 96' tall monument on E. 35th St.
  • Famous for his debates with Lincoln, he served as a U.S. senator from Illinois from 1847 to 1861
  • In 1854 this Ill. senator sponsored the Kan.-Neb. Act whose passage angered anti-slavery forces
  • In 1858 Lincoln ran against this man for the U.S. Senate, but lost by a vote of 54 to 46
  • Lincoln's adversary "The Little Giant"
  • This Ill. senator sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act, allowing each territory to decide the issue of slavery
  • This 19th century American politician & orator was nicknamed "The Little Giant"
  • Broad-shouldered but barely 5 ft. tall, this 19th century Illinois senator was known as the "Little Giant"
  • Buchanan didn't like this senator from Illinois though he may have given money to Buchanan's campaign
  • He's the "Little Giant" of Illinois seen here
  • Elected to the U.S. Senate from Illinois in 1847, he advocated the annexation of Cuba