

Svengali is the name of a fictional character in George u Maurier's 1894 novel Trilby. A sensation in its day, the novel created a stereotype of the evil hypnotist that persists to this day. The character was portrayed in many silent film versions of the story, and in talking pictures by John Barrymore in a 1931 film of the same name, by Donald Wolfit in a 1954 version in Technicolor, and by Peter O'Toole in a 1983 made-for-television modernized version, also in color, co-starring Jodie Foster. This last one changed the names of all the characters, but was still called Svengali.

Trivia about svengali

  • George Du Maurier introduced this evil hypnotist in his 1894 novel "Trilby"
  • George Du Maurier's "Trilby" featured this sinister hypnotist
  • The hypnotist villian in the 1894 novel "Trilby" gave us this word for one who controls another with evil intent
  • The novel "Trilby" introduced this hypnotist whose name is synonymous with evil manipulation

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