

A sweater, pullover, jumper, or jersey is a relatively heavy shirt intened to cover the torso and arms of the human body (though, in some cases, sweaters are made for dogs and occasionally other animals) and typically to be worn over a shirt, blouse, T-shirt or other top. Sweaters tend to be, and in earlier times always were, made from wool (typically of sheep, though possibly of alpaca or other type); however, they can be made of cotton, synthetic fibres, or some combination thereof. Sweaters are maintained by washing, and the use of a lint roller.

Trivia about sweater

  • "A Christmas present?""That's right.""For who?""For you!""Oh! Get out of here!"(Julia Louis-Dreyfus reads the clue.) In that scene from Season 3, George's gift to Elaine was this article of clothing--a bargain because of a flaw: a small red dot
  • What the Brits call a jumper is a pullover one of these to an American