swedish massage


Massage is the treatment an practice of manipulation of the soft body tissues with physical, functional, i.e. mechanical, medical/therapeutic, and in some cases psychological purposes and goals. The word comes from the French massage "friction of kneading," possibly from Arabic massa "to touch, feel, handle" or from Latin massa "mass, dough". (In distinction the ancient Greek word for massage itself was anatripsis , and the Latin was frictio.)

Trivia about swedish massage

  • Effleurage is a smooth, 2-handed stroke used in this "national" type of massage
  • Though it sounds like it, this type of massage was not developed in Stockholm
  • Effleurage is a light gliding stroke used in this hands-on type of spa treatment
  • The development of this hands-on technique is credited to 19th century Stockholmer Per Henrik Ling

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