swim bladder


The gas blader (also fish maw, less accurately swim bladder or air bladder) is an internal organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy, and thus to stay at the current water depth, ascend, or descend without having to waste energy in swimming.

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Tweets about swim bladder

  • The last fish standing, swim bladder has gone so it's swimming round on it's side 🐠
  • Swim Bladder? Or something else?: Hey there everyone! Ok so over the last few weeks three of…
  • @an_penguin swim bladder issue, he’s probably constipated! If you can, try to get him to eat a shell-less pea
  • @destructo9000 I think it's actually the swim bladder not that that helps much
  • RT @Fallonimr: Fish communicate with each other by rasping their teeth to make sounds in their throat, or by using their swim bladder to cr…
  • Fish communicate with each other by rasping their teeth to make sounds in their throat, or by using their swim bladder to create sounds
  • A gas-filled sac called a swim bladder allows bony fish to ascend or descend without wasting energy
  • Video: swim-bladder: justskippingalong: THE FADE TO BLACK OH MY GOD I LITERALLY CAN’T BREATHE RIGHT NOW...
  • Help! Betta swim bladder issues, bloat possible.
  • Vídeo: swim-bladder: justskippingalong: THE FADE TO BLACK OH MY GOD I LITERALLY CAN’T BREATHE RIGHT NOW...
  • RT @animal964: Fish communicate with each other by rasping their teeth to make sounds in their throat, or by using their swim bladder to cr…
  • RT @animmalss: A gas-filled sac called a swim bladder allows bony fish to ascend or descend without wasting energy
  • @kellyscake If it struggles swimming it might have a swim bladder disorder. I hope you find out what's wrong with it &that it recovers soon!