tantric yoga


Tantra (Sanskrit: तन्त्र "weave" enoting continuity), tantricism or tantrism is any of several esoteric traditions rooted in the religions of India. It exists in Hindu, Bönpo, Buddhist, and Jain forms. Tantra in its various forms has existed in South Asia, China, Japan, Tibet, Korea, Cambodia, Burma, Indonesia and Mongolia. David Gordon White, while cautioning against attempting a rigorous definition of tantra, offers the following working definition:

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  • RT @smickable: There isn't 1oz of me that believes the religion I was raised in. Now if you'll excuse me I have to meet my guru for a tantr…
  • YOGA! The World's #1 Guide to <b>Yoga Fitness</b>, Including Tantric Yoga, Bikram Yoga…
  • At -- #yoga #meditate #mudra #Splits #Hut #Hotel #HotelGardens #Tantric #Yoga #Meditate #InstaYoga #YogaGirls #P...
  • At -- #yoga #meditate #mudra Me and #Buddha #Tantric #Yoga #Meditate #InstaYoga #YogaGir...
  • Pareto's Law you'll use 80% of your resources on 20% of your work #focus #Tantric yoga
  • Tantric Yoga with your partner is amazing
  • The Marriage of Spirit is born out of a mixture of modern #psychology, Jnana #yoga and #Tantric yoga.
  • Start the day with tantric Yoga :)
  • There isn't 1oz of me that believes the religion I was raised in. Now if you'll excuse me I have to meet my guru for a tantric yoga colonic.
  • U works years at tantric yoga to master mind reading & then...technology All those Kegel exercises, then Viagra :/
  • The Marriage of Spirit is born out of a mixture of modern psychology, Jnana yoga and Tantric yoga ~Leslie Temple-Thurston
  • @ParkTavernChi That's better. Less of the fire side tantric yoga stretching, bare chested lute fondling. Rock'n'roll! ✌️
  • I liked a @YouTube video 55 Hz tone Isochronic Tones Stimulate Kundalini awakening energy Tantric yoga
  • RT @BexViciouss: I'm thinking.... #Tantric #Yoga? #Orgasms? Hmmmm.
  • I'm thinking.... #Tantric #Yoga? #Orgasms? Hmmmm.
  • The #Dream in the #Tantric #Yoga (video) - @vopus #BethShawYoga #YogaLean
  • Tantric Yoga for lovers