

A teratoma is a type of neoplasm. The wor teratoma comes from Greek and means roughly "monstrous tumor". Definitive diagnosis of a teratoma is based on its histology: a teratoma is a tumor with tissue or organ components resembling normal derivatives of all three germ layers. Rarely, not all three germ layers are identifiable. The tissues of a teratoma, although normal in themselves, may be quite different from surrounding tissues, and may be highly inappropriate, even grotesque (hence the monstrous): teratomas have been reported to contain hair, teeth, bone and very rarely more complex organs such as eyeball, torso, and hand. Usually, however, a teratoma will contain no organs but rather one or more tissues normally found in organs such as the brain, thyroid, liver, and lung.

Tweets about teratoma

  • @Julie_B92 @MCeeP @DrSMMorgan @Helena_LB @Er_Nope teratoma? does he have teeth and clumps of hair?!
  • Teratoma *------*
  • şu teratoma tümörünü gördükten sonra ufkum ciddi anlamda iki katına çıktı sanırım. tişikkirlir perception.
  • @przemusiowa Rozumiem, że nie oglądasz? :P Gdy ci smutno, gdy ci źle, wpisz "teratoma" w Google Grafika i uśmiechnij się!
  • Que me toca con teratoma? Pues....
  • Hi guys. Just about to embark on my first cycle attempt. I had a large (1.5kg) teratoma removed fro…
  • My favorite part of #ZNation was when @wilw makes a cameo appearance just to jump over some kind of shark/kaiju/zombie/landslide hybrid.
  • No, no saben lo que es un teratoma. O si?
  • Palabras favoritas de la cuenta: -SIDA (y derivados) -Mogólico (y derivados) -Teratoma
  • 34. Most common benign ovarian neoplasm in young and middle-aged women (<45 years) :Mature teratoma
  • RT @FreakZoneGames: Jump'N'Shoot Attack's gross stage "Teratoma". Ewwww. #gamersunite https://t.co/PljCchy2M4
  • Jump'N'Shoot Attack's gross stage "Teratoma". Ewwww. #gamersunite https://t.co/PljCchy2M4
  • RT @FreakZoneGames: Jump'N'Shoot Attack's most disgusting stage: TERATOMA! #ScreenshotSaturday
  • Jump'N'Shoot Attack's most disgusting stage: TERATOMA! #ScreenshotSaturday
  • RT @chuckiclampy: La portada de La Razón para mañana sobre la diada de cataluña. PERIODISMO DE CALIDAD.
  • a lepton is a teratoma: hydrometeorological, but not tumid
  • ¿Qué puede ser peor que tener tu última práctica de semio con teratoma necesitando puntos?
  • What is this? A: stomach B: teratoma C: ruptured ovary D: Carbino would you just get a life!
  • @DulceMariaOk lo que digo es que la que tenía el teratoma se comió a la hermana mientras se gestaba. Eso. Por eso tenía dientes y pelos.
  • acabo de ver un teratoma quistico ovarico con dientes, pelos y uñas casi muero #EstudiarMedicina
  • Aquest any també ens vetaran els hashtags a Twitter? #araeslhora #croquetes
  • @Dra_Teratoma bon dia y tal
  • Dejadme buscar el Google la letra de "Els segadors", que voy a la V.
  • @jef_poskanzer @xtine_s I haven't looked at that yet and I'm really hoping the Rabbit Pearl was somebody's teratoma. Don't let me down.
  • #Teratoma Found in baby's brain.
  • @TorontoStar Doug should be excised from Rob. Then Toronto's problem will be solved. #teratoma
  • a broodmare is a teratoma: fuguelike, not pyralid
  • RT @Jotaceja: Jódete, asqueroso. Te has quedado atrapado y te he tirado una rodaja de mortadela encima, gato de mierda. Puto gato.
  • Warning! Never look up pics of teratoma😷
  • Ovarian teratoma
  • RT @CarlosLanga: —Quiero sentir la vida, enamorarme, viajar, ver dónde me lleva este viejo tren. —Es el circular. —¡¡¡CARPE DIEM!!! —No me…
  • RT @Francisk1t0: —Toma hijo, es hora de que te dé el reloj que tu bisabuelo usó durante la Guerra Civil, tu abuelo en la Guerra Fría y yo e…
  • NO PLACE y TERATOMA seleccionados en el Brno Sixteen Short Film Competition, República Checa
  • NO PLACE y TERATOMA seleccionados en el Brno Sixteen Short Film Competition, República Checa
  • @richie_t_808 howdy sir. Daughter had been giving green light on a all clear of teratoma. Mahalo for the support.
  • お兄ちゃん、teratomaでそんなにテンション上がらないでよ...