the bent elbow


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Tweets about the bent elbow

  • @ElysianMystic Hmm, maybe I will drop by the bent elbow {nods} show you guys how to let loose and have some real fun {winks.}
  • An array of Octoberfest beers, in Kitchener, at the bent elbow @HaroldKroeker
  • I'm at The Bent Elbow - @haroldkroeker in Kitchener, Ontario
  • I found my home and it's name is The Bent Elbow. It loves me back.
  • RT @mheusser: Dinner at the bent elbow #TQ2014 yes they /do/ have chicken wings. @erikld @dsynadinos @aclairefication
  • Dinner at the bent elbow #TQ2014 yes they /do/ have chicken wings. @erikld @dsynadinos @aclairefication