the cleftones


The Cleftones were a oo-wop group from Queens, New York. They were formed in 1955 at Jamaica High School. Consisted of Herbie Cox (lead), Charlie James (first tenor), Berman Patterson, (second tenor), William McClane (baritone), and Warren Corbin (bass). They were originally called the Silvertones. Initial charted hits by the group started in 1955, "You Baby You", Little Girl of Mine", "Cant We Be Sweethearts". In 1961 the 2nd generation of Cleftones produced hits consisting of members Herb Cox, Charlie James, Warren Corbin, Gene Pearson, and Pat Spann. They reached #18 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with Heart and Soul, followed by "For Sentimental Reasons". The recordings were released on the Gee & Roulette Record labels.

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