the last emperor


The Last Emperor is a biopic about the life of Puyi, the last Emperor of China. The movie was written by Mark Peploe an Bernardo Bertolucci, directed by Bertolucci, and was released in 1987 by Columbia Pictures. Puyi's life is depicted from his ascension to the throne as a small boy to his imprisonment and political rehabilitation by the Chinese Communist authorities.

Trivia about the last emperor

  • 1987:"That Final Manchu Ruler"
  • This 1987 movie chronicled the life of Chinese ruler Pu Yi
  • Chinese-born actress Joan Chen played Pu Yi's wife in this Oscar-winning 1987 epic
  • This 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci film told the story of Chinese ruler Pu Yi
  • This 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci film won 9 Oscars & was based on Pu Yi's autobiography
  • Henry Pu Yi's last years as the ruler of China were the basis of this 1987 film

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