the menstrual cycle


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  • Fuck the menstrual cycle for making me feel like this. lol
  • She wanna talk about the menstrual cycle!! Idk wtf to say, You get it, It last 5-7 days, you cramp, its over..
  • ☺️ god i hate the menstrual cycle ☺️
  • Video: gender neutral science-y explanation of what’s actually happening during the menstrual cycle!
  • The joys of talking about the menstrual cycle in my psychology essay 😅😂😩
  • should i know about the menstrual cycle
  • Nicholas Sparks owes his entire career to the existence of the menstrual cycle.
  • "I would never joke about the menstrual cycle" -Mr. Curry
  • Kids need #SREnow, and BALANCED SRE, because I know profoundly little about the menstrual cycle.
  • RT @__MilkSheikh: Seriously I'm doing fiqh and Islam has a hadith on everything even about the menstrual cycle and in so much depth mashaAl…
  • Seriously I'm doing fiqh and Islam has a hadith on everything even about the menstrual cycle and in so much depth mashaAllah beautiful deen