the point


Tweets about the point

  • @Nij_Tegala what's the point in socual media if you can't harangue self important politicians with no idea of the real world?
  • Margaret and shake all the point in my purse.
  • I've been on a bus longer then I've been at college like what's the point seriously
  • @JonMarcStanley the point being discussed was that drunks get charged using A+E. I'm extending your logic to other crimes.
  • RT @lnsaneTweets: It's gotten to the point where I either feel no emotion or every emotion at once
  • RT @TweetRAMALAN: Biasanya, #Aries jarang berbasa-basi dan lebih suka to the point saja.
  • Uno why? I just can't see the point uno
  • RT @HalimMusah: The point here is atleast u hv done ur part! Now u can confidently blame govt @ElimAma @a_aboagye @PleasureColeman @Kantfit
  • @JustCourtlend why did your management do that ? .. like what was the point ?
  • @Olicitynewbie @asparkinyou i mean even the Arrow facebook page posted the arrow/flash poster instead poster. I am at the point where i say
  • RT @esme_mercado: I'm at the point where I'm getting sad again
  • RT @MikeyStarr45: What is the point of school starting this early
  • @Headliner5 The point is an arena for them near where I live that wouldn't be half empty.
  • Retrofit for the Future video: six months old but still makes the point really well
  • RT @LanceTheWitten: What's the point of making an appointment at a doctor's office when they never stick to them?
  • RT @RogerDAquin: Most words are just window dressing. Keep messaging simple, direct, to the point, and quotable. #WAAR
  • I can't wait until I'm at the point of my life where I get to see something like this everyday in my home 😘
  • My snapchat has gotten to the point that if you snap me twice you're in my best friends 😂🔫
  • It's gotten to the point where I either feel no emotion or every emotion at once
  • @CerebrumFloss @BW yes i know, that is the point that they should get a league minimum just like players.. lol the NFL sucks lol
  • RT @TheProtocolTV: I just published “Wired Misses the Point of OpenBazaar” #TheHashNews #bitcoin #OpenBazaar
  • Despair to the point till they provoke
  • RT @CelineInfield: Generally don't see the point in this
  • @kireau @rps2156 @markgeragos You boys are missing the point 'Police Execution Policy' ~ shoot til suspect hits ground then shoot 2more
  • Ummm these days i don't get half of the things that are happening. Don't see the point :S kuch log :L
  • @romanticdarou LOL ppl are just so dense or purposefully miss the point, i honestly just shrugs now bc the whole narrative is played out
  • My poor mum pays for my @EE contract but the bloody network is ALWAYS down. What's the point? Waste of money and waste of time.
  • RT @OLAASM: I think the term "failed War on Drugs" misses the point and takes what power says its intentions are at face value, which is...…
  • RT @RowdyHaack: @jelisaroxanne it's gotten to the point where I'd rather walk than this
  • RT @jack_sommers: "All unaccountable power has to be taken on. For me that's the point," @Owenjones84 #HPconvo
  • Their must be something your good at or whats the point in being good
  • What's the point in wisdom teeth?
  • @phemiusthebard @markcaldwell @TommySDavis It was totally subjective. I took it that that was the point of the test.
  • @MangaEcstasy @MinhazHx Religious beliefs would change everything, what's the point of being a ninja loool
  • After having my car catch on fire to the point of it being totaled and being car-less for 2.5 weeks, I am finally mobile again!!
  • What's the point of requesting someone on social media & liking their crap yet you ignore them when you walk right next to them? #gtfo
  • RT @markflowchatter: Goldman Sachs note out on $PCYC - " we connected with the point personnel at the VA who CONFIRMED the validity of the …
  • RT @JaimeyyJamm: When did I get to the point where I cared again? This isn't how any of this was supposed to go.
  • @SSGsniper Thats the point man. We don't have sincere politicians because of Pak Army interference.
  • Fist straddleback the point referring to available conception: ulQFn
  • Happy the #Bills are there still any reason to have hard feeling towards JBJ? The point is moot!!!
  • Making a big effort but what's the point of trying anymore , so done being nice👎😕
  • RT @ArbriOHH: But what is the point in the pretty face challenge? Seriously
  • @quando123 and sorry the point in you favouriting that was??
  • @satifice @GenusUnknown I usually go for the straightforward "Misogynists" as it's short, sweet, and to the point ;)
  • "Boy??? Girl??? We don't know!!" Good. That's the point.
  • @plyons45 Now THIS is the point they just dont get.Flags over no 10.....................jeeeesus :-)
  • @mattsinger @jhoffman @scottEweinberg I really like the show because it's a good, fun event. I thought that was the point.
  • RT @TheWalkerman: My heart breaks for John Abraham. If you’ve gotten to the point of continual memory loss, it’s time to hang up the cleats.
  • Great insight from @jonsilk on the #PRCADigital panel - refreshingly honest and to the point!