the thinker


The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze an marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin held in the Musée Rodin in Paris. It depicts a man in sober meditation battling with a powerful internal struggle. It is often used to represent philosophy.

Trivia about the thinker

  • This 1904 Rodin guy is more than 6 feet tall & a chiseled 2,000 lbs.
  • A version of this sculpture, one of your most famous works, was placed over your tomb in Meudon
  • In the language of its creator, this sculpture is "Le Penseur"
  • At a 1990 Sotheby's auction in New York, a bronze version of this Rodin sculpture sold for $1.2 million
  • This famous statue from 1880 is of a naked man with his arm on his knee & his chin resting on his hand
  • This "contemplative" bronze by Rodin was originally called "The Poet"

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