thermal pollution


Thermal pollution is a temperature change in natural water boies caused by human influence. The temperature change can be upwards or downwards. In the Northern Hemisphere, a common cause of thermal pollution is the use of water as a coolant, especially in power plants. Water used as a coolant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature. Increases in water temperature can impact on aquatic organisms by (a) decreasing oxygen supply, (b) killing fish juveniles which are vulnerable to small fluctuations in temperature, and (c) affecting ecosystem composition. In the Southern Hemisphere, thermal pollution is commonly caused by the release of very cold water from the base of reservoirs, with severe affects on fish (particularly eggs and larvae), macroinvertebrates and river productivity.

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Tweets about thermal pollution

  • How does thermal pollution effect ecosystems?
  • @alexangelion @The_Reflection Two words: thermal pollution. :P
  • @heyyougelic nagsearch ako about thermal pollution, coolant by powerplants daw LUH?
  • @ThoriumFuture @SninkyPoo The solution to pollution is renewable energy, not your toxic waste, and thermal pollution heating our waterways.