

Thiazie is a term used to describe a type of molecule and a class of diuretic.

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Tweets about thiazides

  • caused by thiazides, renal failure, vomiting, SIADH, heart failure, cirrhosis with ascites, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency
  • RT @master_usmle: Diuretics: thiazides: indications "CHIC to use thiazides": CHF Hypertension Insipidous Calcium calculi
  • RT @USMLEstat: Glycemic control in diabetes may be worsened by thiazides - 92% get this right
  • RT @prep4USMLE: Thiazides can be given in pregnancy BUT never LOOPS. #USMLE
  • Thiazides can be given in pregnancy BUT never LOOPS. #USMLE